CHKC Award Winner – José Orozco, Purinapaq, Mobility Without Borders

2021 CHKC Award Winner, Jose Orozco
José Orozco suffered a personal injury while on a job-site, and realized the physicalchallenges of living with a disability. After a long, challenging recovery, he wanted to find away to give back to those who are not so lucky to recover. He remembered his native country Peru and how people with disabilities are left without many options and do nothave government support. Mobility assistive devices like manual and powered wheelchairs,walkers and even canes and crutches are not easy to find or purchase due to economic difficulties. Without an assistive device, most people with paralyzing disabilities are bedridden on a permanent basis, which can degrade emotional and physical health rapidly.
José decided to get involved and find a way to help people living with mobility challenges.
José founded Purinapaq Mobility Without Borders in 2007, the mission of Purinapaq issimply to provide repurposed mobility and assistive devices to people living with disabilities in developing nations. He is so proud to have helped people in need in Peru, Cuba, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay and The Philippines. The quality of life for people with disabilities in these countries is unimaginably difficult. Because of his support, their spirit and day-to-day lives have dramatically improved.
He is lucky to get generous equipment donations from corporate vendors,organizations and individuals in Ontario. Once he has collected, refurbished and customized each item with supervision from an occupational therapist, it delivered to theperson in need.
For years, José has helped members of Royal Canadian Legions, and Spinal Cord Injury andnewcomers to Canada that also need mobility equipment and cannot afford it or theirequipment needs maintenance.
We are proud to present the CHKC Award to José Orozco.