CHKC Call for Nominations for the 14th Annual JT Award!
CHKC Call for Nominations for the 14th Annual JT Award! The “JT Award” recognizes significant contributions to the Canadian deafblind community by a deserving individual, consumer group or service provider who has demonstrated excellence in at least one of the categories of: 1. Awareness to the disability of deafblindness, 2. Expansion to available services and […]
The Urgent Need for Affordable Housing for Canadians Who Are Deafblind
When Canadian Helen Keller Centre (CHKC) opened its doors in 1992 its goal was to provide affordable and accessible housing for Canadians who are deafblind. But with only 16-units available it was impossible to serve all of the 400,000 Canadians who have dual sensory loss; individuals who are both legally deaf and legally blind. Since […]
13th JT Award Recipient: Cathy Proll
On Tuesday, November 14, at CHKC’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), Cathy Proll was awarded the 13th Annual JT Award. The “JT Award” recognizes significant contributions to the Canadian deafblind community by a deserving individual, consumer group or service provider who has demonstrated excellence in the categories of awareness to the disability of deafblindness, expansion to […]
CHKC Call for Nominations for the 13th Annual JT Award
The “JT Award” recognizes significant contributions to the Canadian deafblind community by a deserving individual, consumer group or service provider who has demonstrated excellence in at least one of the categories of: Awareness to the disability of deafblindness, Expansion to available services and programs, Involvement of individuals who are deafblind at all levels. Joyce Thompson […]
Creating Independence for the Deafblind Community
The Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons (CFPDP) and Canadian Helen Keller Centre (CHKC) have a proud, shared history. Both organizations were founded several decades ago by The Honourable Vim Kochhar with help from other passionate individuals who wanted to make a difference. Today, CHKC is a remarkable success story. It provides accessible housing, programming […]
December 2022
It’s December already! Below you will find a list of activities for the month of December 2022. Have a lovely holiday season. Thursday, December 1 BINGO (Hybrid) 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Friday, December 2 CHKC Chat Club (In-person) 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday, December 5 Current Events Club (Hybrid) 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 […]